I’m heading to Yuma AZ for their annual SWAG (Southwest AZ Geocachers) Mega Geocaching event. This is the third time I’ve gone, but the last time was in 2015. I really enjoy the trip and the time in the desert. The last two times I was working so I had to do the trip quickly, up and back.
But now that I’m unemployed I thought I’d take some time and do it up right. Tira and I were comparing calendars and we realized that the day after I get back from Yuma, Tira was heading for CA with some teacher friends for a Disney Spring Break. What the hell…. why go home?
So I got a sub for bowling, called my dad and told him I’ll visit him in AZ for a couple of days, grabbed the dog, the truck and the trailer and took off.
The first stop was for the CC4X series just west of Vidal Junction off of CA62. I picked a place in the desert to park the trailer and for 2 days my plan was to do the 401 geocache power trail.
After that I head to Yuma for 3 days, then visit my folks for 2 or 3 days, and after that I don’t know…. but I’ll bet it involves geocaching!