Yuma 2018!!!!!!!!

I’m heading to Yuma AZ for their annual SWAG (Southwest AZ Geocachers) Mega Geocaching event.  This is the third time I’ve gone, but the last time was in 2015.   I really enjoy the trip and the time in the desert.  The last two times I was working so I had to do the trip quickly, up and back.

But now that I’m unemployed I thought I’d take some time and do it up right.  Tira and I were comparing calendars and we realized that the day after I get back from Yuma, Tira was heading for CA with some teacher friends for a Disney Spring Break.  What the hell….  why go home? 

So I got a sub for bowling, called my dad and told him I’ll visit him in AZ for a couple of days, grabbed the dog, the truck and the trailer and took off.

The first stop was for the CC4X series just west of Vidal Junction off of CA62.  I picked a place in the desert to park the trailer and for 2 days my plan was to do the 401 geocache power trail. 


After that I head to Yuma for 3 days, then visit my folks for 2 or 3 days, and after that I don’t know…. but I’ll bet it involves geocaching!

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